SBPC Sociedade Brasileira
para o Progresso da Ciência

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Annals of the TIETÊ VIVO Forum of Scientific Dissemination for Innovations in Research and Extension

The book includes works selected as a result of the Tietê Vivo Forum of Scientific Dissemination for Innovations in Research and Extension – Science, Social Action & Sustainability at the hydrographic basin of Alto Tietê between 2007 and 2009.

Biodiversity and traditional knowledge associated: Implementation of access legislation and allocation of benefits in Brazil

The book includes texts by representatives of the academy, federal bodies, companies, and researchers, representatives of traditional and indigenous communities and non-governmental organizations, discussing the access to the Brazilian genetic heritage.

Cadernos da SBPC

The Cadernos da SBPC are publications containing documents relevant to the history of SBPC, reports of study and work groups, and records of the discussions in the last annual meetings.

Science for a Global Sustainable Development: Brazil’s contribution

The outcomes of the preparatory meetings for the Science World Forum are summarized in this book, which presents, with several recommendations, the position of the Brazilian scientific community in the Forum.

Science, Technology and Innovation for a competitive Brazil

The book is the outcome of a partnership between SBPC and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) and aims at contributing for technological and innovative advancement in Brazil, through feasible recommendations and proposals.

Scientists of Brazil

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of SBPC, the society proposed to publish the life trajectory of scientists who played an important role in the cultural and scientific development of the country and who are, some of them, unknown to the public in general.

Forest Code

With an interdisciplinary character and by means of a wide study, a work group has raised technical-scientific data to support the discussion around the Forest Code. The conclusions of the study are published in the two editions of this book.

Report of Activities – July 2011 to June 2013

This is an accountability report for the Council, members and associates during the general meetings that took place in the Annual Meetings between July 2011 and June 2013.

Declaration from Latin America and the Caribbean for the sixth edition of the Science World Forum

The "Declaration from Latin America and the Caribbean for the sixth edition of the Science World Forum" is a summary of a regional strategic plan to solving shared problems in the next decades.

Leituras Indispensáveis 3

This is the third volume of a book series by Aziz Ab´Sáber. The work is a collection of seventeen texts and a map targeting youth that can access documents on different topics related to issues around the occupation of the national territory that concern our society.

Pioneering Women in the Sciences in Brazil

This book tells the story of women in the sciences that had relevant contributions for scientific development in Brazil. The selection was made by Hildete Pereira de Melo and Ligia M. C. S. Rodrigues.

Rio+20, +21, +22, +23...

Book by biologist and writer Nurit Bensusan, Rio +20, +21, +22, +23… is a partnership with SBPC and aims at explaining to children and youth the topics discussed in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio +20.

SBPC Documenta (Volumes 1, 2, 3 e 4)

Between 1995 and 1996, SBPC published four volumes of the books SBPC Documenta which include articles by different scientists.

I Review of Science, Technology and Innovation of Distrito Federal

Published in 2010, this is the result of a study of the Science, Technology and Innovation system at Distrito Federal conducted by SBPC Regional Representation at the time, to contribute to the discussion at the Fourth National Conference on Science and Technology (4th CNCTI).